Social Security Strategy

Optimize your Social Security benefits with a sound social security strategy.

Social Security Strategy

Optimize your Social Security Benefits
Maximize your Retirement with a Social Security Strategy

For most retirees Social Security Retirement Benefits will make up nearly 33% of their retirement income. Therefore, it’s imperative you understand the hundreds of rules associated with filing for your Social Security benefits and have a social security strategy.  Working with an experienced and certified Social Security Advisor at PAG will help you optimize your Social Security Benefits and align this hard-earned benefit with your retirement goals.  

Those who work with a financial profession receive over 17% more in social security benefits than those who do not. 

Even if you have already filed, Patriot Advisory Group can help. 

The decision on when and how to file for Social Security benefits is one of the most important financial decisions clients make in their lifetimes. A married couple could potentially lose hundreds of thousands of dollars if they don’t implement an optimal filing strategy versus filing early.

Making an Informed Choice

Most people are surprised to learn how making the wrong timing decision can impact their earned  Social Security strategy over a lifetime.

With PAG on your team, you’ll have critical and helpful information going into the process—and feel more confident about where you’ll stand financially when your application process is complete.

Here are several key factors we review with clients to help them take control of their application decision:

  • What is the full picture surrounding someone’s decision to begin taking Social Security benefits?
  • How can a client figure out spousal benefits and how they might change depending on when the other spouse begins claiming Social Security? And, how does divorce or a death factor in?
  • How does continuing to work impact someone’s Social Security benefits?

Considerations when filing:

  • When to file
  • Spousal benefits
  • Survivor benefits
  • Ex-spouse benefits
  • Dependent children benefits
  • Taxation of benefits 
  • Employment during retirement
  • Pension offset
  • Government employee
  • Medicare
PAG Advisors are Certified National Social Security Advisors with The National Social Security Association, LLC


Ready to Get Started?

Schedule a call to receive a custom Social Security Optimization report. While we're committed to offering you good direction, there's no commitment on your part.
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